Research Apprentice
Berkeley Fire Lab
January 2025 - Present
  • Supervised by Professor Michael Gollner
Software Engineering Intern
September 2024 - December 2024
  • Developed scheduling algorithm with Python, Docker, and Bazel. Identified and corrected on production severe memory and sorting errors.
  • Designed and deployed a benchmarking module to track algorithm performance, including detailed logs and visuals.
Pathways Intern
National Aerospace and Space Administration (NASA) Goddard
June 2023 - Present
  • SlideRule Earth: developed C++ code for a performant HDF5 reader; features overreads, parallelization, lazy execution, and absence of file locks. Implemented dense attribute message search and new version compatibility.
  • KerchunkC: developed C++ code to use Zarr reference files for increased reading speed on NetCDF files. High performance computer cluster testing results include increasing data read time speed by 1+ order of magnitude.
  • C-SSAAW Module (Cloud-based Satellite Signal Attenuation Assessment from Weather): designed and deployed a proof-of-concept modular program using AWS (Lambda, RDS, Step Functions, s3, CodeBuild, IAM). Forecasts downlink satellite signal quality for near-Earth missions; flags deviations caused by rain/atmospheric attenuation and wind degradation to suggest changes for weekly mission downlink schedules
OSTEM Intern - EIS Team
National Aerospace and Space Administration (NASA) Goddard
Jan 2023 - June 2023
  • Fire Event Data Suite (FEDS) algorithm: Developed Python scripting to enable global modeling, with 5+ new wildfire fuel categories and seamless multi-tiff dataset reading (edge-case coverage, s3 pulling, etc.)
  • FEDS-PEC (Polygon Evaluation Comparison): Proposed, designed, and prototyped benchmarking module for the FEDS fire perimeter algorithm; adapted any two polygon inputs and performed select calculations; persist results for long-term analysis of algorithm vs. stakeholder data (e.g. NIFC, CAL FIRE). JOSS software paper in review.
  • NetCDF To Zarr Pipeline: Python and Linux Shell workflows to transform NetCDF files into multi-dimensional Zarr files compatible with s3 cloud storage. Integrated into NASA GISS' Fire Weather Index (FWI) product.
OSTEM Intern - FireSense Team
National Aerospace and Space Administration (NASA) HQ
May 2022 - Dec 2022
  • MASTER v. VIIRS Research: developed Python scripting for QGIS to compared MODIS/ASTER (MASTER) thermal instrument 2019 readings against VIIRS FRP metric. Scipting performed quantile classification on VIIRS FRP to generate ascending classes of heat, and then compare with the classes of MASTER. Determined the numeric relationship between time of flyover and accuracy “decay” of FRP-classification
  • Published article on NASA website about infrared imaging research and applications
  • NIFC Scraper: iPYNB product for researchers to quickly and efficiently pull wildfire incident files (shp, pdf reports, tifs, etc) from the NIFC FTP server.
  • Stakeholder interaction: Pinpointed front-end representation issues of NASA active fire datasets and collaborated with public and private stakeholders to identify external needs and achievable goals.
Research Apprentice
Berkeley Gollner Fire Lab
Oct 2021 - May 2022
  • Geospatial Python scripting in QGIS to automate calculations and correlate fire damage index with structure distance to vegetation.
Volunteer Work
Prescribed Burner (FF2)
Central Coast Prescribed Fire Association (CCPBA)
Oct 2023 - Present
  • Assist with executing prescribed burns in the Northern/Central CA region as Firefighter Type 2.
  • Trained on drip torch use, firing patterns, holding, hand tool usage, water suppression, fire weather measurements, and radio communication.
Trip Officer and Member
Cal Hiking and Outdoor Society (CHAOS)
Aug 2023 - Present
  • Plan and complete weekly/monthly trips with team of officers which provide UC Berkeley students access to the outdoors. Locations range from Bay Area to SoCal region.
  • Trained in First Aid/CPR.
Epsilon Eta, Professional Enviornmental Service Fraternity
Feburary 2023 - Present
  • Volunteer on weekly enviornmental projects including local farm care, invasive plant removal, fire fuel removal, and waste clean up.
Academic Coursework
Computer Science / Electrical Engineering
  • CS 152 - Computer Architecture and Engineering
  • CS 168 - Internet Networking and Protocols
  • EECS 149 - Embedded Systems
  • CS 161 - Computer Security
  • CS 70 - Discrete Math and Probability
  • CS 61C - Machine Structures
  • CS 61B - Data Structures
  • CS 61A - Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
  • CS 195 - Social Implications of Computer Technology
  • EECS 16A - Designing Information Devices and Systems I
  • EECS 16B - Designing Information Devices and Systems II
  • MECENG 172 - Wildfire Sciences and Applications
  • EPS 109 - Computer Simulations for Earth and Planetary Sciences
  • GEOG C188 - Geographic Information Systems
  • MATH 53 - Multivariable Calculus
  • ENGIN 26 - Three-Dimensional Modeling for Design
  • PHYS 7A - Physics for Engineers